VoteAmerica+ update: New tools and highlighted features

Election rules vary by state, and that’s why we have a suite of registration and voting tools (also known as VoteAmerica+ software) that can help voters figure out the information pertinent to them.
There are now less than 3 months before the November 5, 2024 election, so we thought this would be a good time to reflect on a few of our favorite updates to the VoteAmerica+ software suite in the last year.
Notably, we expanded VoteAmerica+ offerings. VoteAmerica+ now has tools which help voters:
- check their registration status
- register to vote
- request an absentee ballot (NEW major feature added)
- sign up for election reminders
- look up their polling place or ballot dropbox
- contact their local election office
- pre-register to vote (for *future* voters only) (NEW)
- find upcoming elections (NEW)
- pledge to vote (NEW)
New tools
- Helping future voters pre-register to vote. Future voters are 13-17 year olds who are not yet eligible to vote because they must be 18 by Election Day to vote. However, some states allow 16-17 year olds to pre-register to vote. Rules vary across states. Future voters can input their information and we’ll help them figure out if they are eligible to pre-register to vote and walk them through the process if they’re eligible for pre-registration.
- Find upcoming elections. Voters can input their address and we’ll provide auto-complete functionality (powered by Mapbox). Powered by’s research, we’ll then surface upcoming statewide elections and elections for the top 100 most populous cities in the US.
- Pledge to vote. The pledge to vote tool allows voters to pledge to vote for the November 5, 2024 election and sign up to receive information on registering to vote and voting, including election reminders.
Highlighted features
- Permanent Absentee Voting (PAV) feature on absentee tool. VoteAmerica has done extensive research on permanent absentee voting (PAV) and found it can increase turnout substantially. In states with PAV, the VoteAmerica+ absentee tool will now give voters the option to sign up for a permanent absentee voting list or request a one-time absentee ballot. Check out our blog post to learn more about the PAV feature and VoteAmerica’s research on PAV.
- Custom button and font colors. Customers using our VoteAmerica+ software can have customized button and font colors in order to make our software more seamless on your website. Email us at [email protected] for more information.
Happy voting!